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Tour It Training

Tour It is your gateway to creating captivating virtual field trips! As a member of the Infiniscope teaching network, you have exclusive access to this amazing tool that brings immersive learning experiences to life. Whether you're a seasoned educator or just starting your journey, Tour It empowers you to craft engaging and interactive virtual tours that inspire learners and enable them to build personal connections to a place.
Learn more about Tour It!

Interested in learning to use Tour It to make your own amazing tours? Sign up for training!



Tour It 101
In this training, you'll learn how to use the tool to create high-quality virtual tours and discover place-based learning strategies.


Two live online sessions occur on consecutive days at 11:00 AM PT. Choose the set of dates that work best for you.

- June 3 & 4
- June 5 & 6
- July 8 & 9
- July 10 & 11

One-hour on-your-own digital lesson + Two live one-hour sessions

Prior to Day 1: Starting with Tour It
Day 1: Exploring Place-Based Learning
Day 2: Planning Your Virtual Tour

Registration is Closed


Take the Next Steps

At the completion of Tour It 101 training, you'll have everything you need to start designing your own virtual tours. If you're inspired to continue your Tour It journey, sign up for Tour It 102 to learn all about media best practices, 360 images, improving accessibility and more! We offer two versions of Tour It 102, based on how you plan to acquire media.


If you plan to capture your own 360-images, here are some options:
1. Purchase your own 360-camera. There are a number of options available at affordable pricepoints.
2. Borrow a 360-camera from us through our no-cost camera loan program (more info on the Tour It 102 page).
3. Use a smartphone or other camera along with photo-stitching software (usually requires a subscription).

Tell me more about Tour It 102!



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